Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dr. and Hubby

Hi all,

     So my boyfriend got to go with me to the doctor's yesterday for the first time in a long time.  We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and ask questions and he got to voice any of his concerns.  My doctor doesn't really do nights or weekends so he's got to go to 3 appointments, one of which they allowed a night so I came in at 6.  Now I'm getting to the home stretch and after this next appointment I'll start going every week.  I'm getting anxious but I'm getting excited and I think the doctor's office made my boyfriend the same way.  My boyfriend is usually stoic and while excited, not quick to jump for joy over every little thing like I am.  However, this morning, I woke up when he called to check up on me on his break and we had a whole conversation about what the baby will look like and how excited we both are.  We've talked about the happy before but not in as much detail and I have to associate that with the doctor.  I think the way he has been forced to be involved in some, but not all aspects because of work schedule, make it less exciting and more business.  When he gets to be involved you see a certain degree of change and I think that the fact that he's working, gives him the shit end of the stick.  When the significant other can't be involved in the whole process, it seems that it would be harder for them to get involved and excited.  At least mine.

        ~Brianna J~

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