Friday, November 18, 2011


Hey everybody,

     So my hormones are crazy!!  I can laugh about it after, but at the time it's never funny.  I once cried because I was taking the babies tank tops out of the package and a piece of tape fell into the freshly cleaned baby clothing and I had to try to find it.  I unfolded every piece of clothing, even the socks, and re-folded them with an excruciating back ache while flying off the handle at my boyfriend for trying to help; only to find out after doing all of the clothes, that it had fallen right on top.  I also decided that I would wash a load of baby clothes with 2 blankets.  I knew the lint from the blankets would cause a problem on the clothes but I decided to do it anyway, once again, KNOWING it would cause a problem.  After the clothes came out of the dryer covered in lint, I cried for approximately (generous estimate) 45 minutes on the bathroom floor.  Again, my boyfriend tried to help multiple times an I just bit his head off.
     I sound like a bitch, but my boyfriend has this "I'm right listen to me" voice when he talks to me, and I know he's right.  I don't like it when others are right and I'm wrong, that's one of my flaws.  So in the heat of the moment, he makes me VERY upset because I don't want to know he's right, I just want to know he understands where I'm coming from, even though it could be totally irrational.
     I got mad yesterday because I was yelling at him, so he decided not to help me bring baby items upstairs.  I had a bag with me, so I could put the items in the bag and be able to do it myself.  But I thought it was inconsiderate and I wanted his help, and he told me not to yell before he went up in that "I'm right listen to me" voice I hate so much.  I then went to the bedroom and yelled for half an hour about it, when he has to get up early in the morning.
     It takes me plenty of time to realize that what I'm doing is stupid.  Once I realize, I'm the first person to laugh and apologize and poke fun at myself.  Eventually I will learn stress management and inappropriate 12am voice volumes, but right now, I can't help but feel that it keeps me sane to go insane sometimes!  Sometimes to me means at least once a day.  But when it comes to me now, I try to relax and be mellow all the time because the stress isn't good for me or the baby.  Sometimes, I'm more comfortable after a little insanity than I would be after a day of meditation.  Maybe it's just me, but hormones are a crazy pregnancy ride, and I'm on it for the next month.  Maybe I'll learn how to control them for the next one if I try hard enough, but I think this ride is already in motion for baby numero uno!!

        ~Brianna J~

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Baby Shower, Being a Parent & New Stuff

Hi everyone,

     So my baby shower was this past weekend.  A lot of people RSVPed but not a lot came.  But a lot sent presents, haha!  My mom hosted it and it was cute green and brown with elephants, just like the baby's theme.  She called the party theme "an elephant and her little peanut".  My good friends and family were there.  We played games and had music and since it was all people close to me not a lot of people that were friends or family but not VERY close, it was a blast!  I have plenty of pictures that I'm going to share.

I got a lot of new things for the baby but only included some of the photos.  The whirlpool bath looks really cute.  It has a shower head that comes out so you can spray the baby and a whirlpool and bubbling part, all that can be turned on and off with the push of a button.  It also comes with a newborn sling to put the baby in before you actually bathe them, when it's just sponge-bath time.  And the fisher-price bouncy sear is also so cute.  We put it together and it's not that hard but putting the seat part together was VERY frustrating because the instructions make it semi-unclear.  My BIG present at the baby shower was from my mother and grandmother, they bought the crib and soybean mattress.  But it wasn't shipped in time and we were told it would be here by thanksgiving.  To my surprise, my crib came in yesterday while I was preparing the room for the baby.  It's huge and we (my boyfriend and I) are going to put it together tonight.  I was so excited!  Putting the baby's room together I felt nest-y and mother-like but it never fully set in until that crib arrived.  Now I'm starting to feel like, wow, there is going to be a baby sleeping in here in less than 5 weeks.  MY baby, OUR baby.  I'm someone's mom.  When you're a first time mom, like me, it's so weird to think that you are about to be someone's parent.  I had the realization the other day.  I know I'm gonna be someone's mom, but, someone's parent.  As in "I can't go my parents won't let me", and that "parents" is me.  But I'm clearly off topic now.  The baby shower was awesome, and MY CRIB IS HERE!!!  I'll have more to report soon.

        ~Brianna J~

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dr. and Hubby

Hi all,

     So my boyfriend got to go with me to the doctor's yesterday for the first time in a long time.  We got to hear the baby's heartbeat and ask questions and he got to voice any of his concerns.  My doctor doesn't really do nights or weekends so he's got to go to 3 appointments, one of which they allowed a night so I came in at 6.  Now I'm getting to the home stretch and after this next appointment I'll start going every week.  I'm getting anxious but I'm getting excited and I think the doctor's office made my boyfriend the same way.  My boyfriend is usually stoic and while excited, not quick to jump for joy over every little thing like I am.  However, this morning, I woke up when he called to check up on me on his break and we had a whole conversation about what the baby will look like and how excited we both are.  We've talked about the happy before but not in as much detail and I have to associate that with the doctor.  I think the way he has been forced to be involved in some, but not all aspects because of work schedule, make it less exciting and more business.  When he gets to be involved you see a certain degree of change and I think that the fact that he's working, gives him the shit end of the stick.  When the significant other can't be involved in the whole process, it seems that it would be harder for them to get involved and excited.  At least mine.

        ~Brianna J~

Thursday, November 3, 2011

FREAK October Snow Storm and a BIG baby

Hey Everyone,

     Long time no see.  I live in New Jersey and got my power and internet and phone fully restored yesterday.  There was a random blizzard (of course the weekend my boyfriend goes to Florida to see his mother) in October.  It was a lot of snow, because it was the "first snow" of the year and it was October.  But it wasn't an extreme amount, they said the snow was sooo heavy and sooo wet that it knocked down sooo many trees and power-lines that still not all of the people in New Jersey have power until tomorrow.  This snow storm happened last Thursday.  This snow also made cell phone reception nearly impossible.  The house was freezing, my dogs all had sweatshirts and were bundled in blankets, our food went bad, it was a state of emergency so there was no store, it made everyone broke with all the eating out, my fish nearly froze to death (picture above of how I kept him warm...YAY!! Henry made it through)  and I had a meltdown because not only am I afraid of the dark, but it was so cold that I got sick and thought I was killing my baby.  Later I learned that a cold you have, is not a cold your baby has, they don't catch it from you.
     Needless to say, it was an experience.  But in baby news, my baby is now a giant.  At only 4 pounds, I'm convinced they mean his leg and he's actually about 20.  I'm not a big girl, I'm 5'3" and I'm thick (PUERTO RICAN), so to me this baby is humongous.  He's heavy.  He's SOOOOOO active.  He's cranky, like mommy like son (if anyone thinks of touching my belly button or I think of touching or eating anything cold, he'll either make me want to vomit or he'll punch me until he's sure there is a visible bruise).  But he's my little bundle of joy, so to me, he's also perfect.  Sure, I'm at the point where I can't sleep because I can't breath or get comfortable, can't leave the bathroom because he's always on my bladder, can't smell anything other than tea or waffles without getting sick and can't sit because my lower back is in so much pain that anything other than walking or laying down for longer than 10 minutes is mission impossible.  But I've never loved anything more, or been more willing to suffer a few months for something.  My baby is mine and he's just like me!  A short, stubborn, cranky, night owl-y big baby!!

        ~Brianna J~